Where to Get Pcr Test in Istanbul Airport ? Best Test Centers & Prices of 2021

pcr test in istanbul

Travel advices & procedures are changing almost everyday for Coronavirus test. It might be exhausting to find a proper information on the net. Here you may find the latest information about Where to Get Pcr Test in Istanbul Airport, Pcr test centers and prices for COVID-19 in Turkey.



Pcr Test in Istanbul Airport


COVID-19 test center at the Istanbul Airport is open 24 hours and results come around 6 hours (usually earlier than that). Once you give the sample for Coronavirus Test, you don't need to wait for the result. You can check it later on Ministry of Health's website www.e-nabiz.gov.tr by clicking on Covid 19 Test Results section.



Pcr test price at Istanbul airport is 250 Turkish Liras (around 30 euros)


Where to Get Pcr Test in Istanbul Airport
Where to Get Pcr Test in Istanbul Airport



*Even though they recommend you to download the app, we find that the website is much more easier to use and download your Pcr Test result at the Istanbul Airport.


pcr test results at istanbul airport
e nabiz website for Covid 19 Pcr test results


*Check www.e-nabiz.gov.tr for your Pcr test results in Turkey


Which airports has Pcr Test Center (Covid-19) in Turkey ?


Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen Airport, Antalya Airport, Dalaman Airport and Izmir airports has 24 hours open Pcr test centers in Turkey. The price of Coronavirus tests in these airports is same as Istanbul Airport Pcr tests which is 250 Turkish Liras.



Pcr Test Centers near Sultanahmet or Taksim


It's possible to give Pcr test samples to find out the Covid 19 results in most of the big hospitals near Istanbul's touristic areas like Sultanahmet and Taksim.

Not only big government or private hospitals, but authorized laboratories can also take Coronavirus sample by nose or throat (only throat swabs for children) swabs. It takes about 30 seconds to complete the Covid-19 Pcr test procedure. They usually give the results in the same day. Average price is between 250-350 Turkish Liras for the test.

Click to find the list of authorized Covid-19 test centers in Istanbul



Can You Get Pcr Test at Your Hotel?


There are some private authorized laboratories started to give Covid-19 Pcr Test service at your address. Authorized person will come to your hotel or to your house , take the pcr test sample and send you the results by email in 5-6 hours. They charge 350 Turkish Liras (as of October 2020) for this service, which we find very good. Ask your hotel reception / concierge for it.



What If  Your Pcr Covid-19 Test is Positive in Turkey?


If your Covid-19 result is positive in Istanbul Airport, or in any other airport in Turkey, you will be taken to quarantine room at the terminal and will be taken to nearest authorized hospital by ambulance.

You will be either way sent to home isolation or treated in hospital depending on your health condition.

Covid-19 treatment in Turkey is not free of charge for foreigners. Make sure that your travel insurance covers Coronavirus Covid-19 treatment when you travel to Turkey.

Coronavirus treatment in Turkey is free for Turkish Citizens.