Where to Find Halal Food in Turkey
We were asked the same questions over & over again. Is Mcdonalds Halal in Turkey? Where to find Halal food in Turkey? Here is the answer;
Islamic Dietary laws clearly explain which foods are Halal (allowed to eat) and which are Haram (strictly prohibited). Commandments can be found in Qur'an, the holy book of Islam as well as in the Hadith (words, actions, and habits of Prophet Muhammad PBUH ) and Sunnah ( deeds, teachings, and sayings of Prophet Muhammad PBUH) books.
Is the Food Halal in Turkey?
Since the %99.8 of the population is Muslim, all the restaurants have to have a Halal Certificate for their products and menus. In fact, it will be really a struggle to find pork products even if you search for them.

Turkish government strictly controls meat and additive products. If they find any pork in any product, they will expose the brand and it will be a disaster for that company. No one will ever buy their products or eat in their restaurants again.
Turkey's touristic travelers' percentage from Gulf countries got very high late years, as well as from the countries like Algeria, Morocco, Syria. That's why many restaurants and food producers labeled their products with a Halal (Helal) certificate that is valid all around the world.
So the answer to the question "Where to Find Halal Food in Turkey ?" is simply everywhere.

Is McDonalds Halal in Turkey?
We know that many Muslims who live across Europe or America wants to try McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, or Pizza Hut so much, but they can't eat there because the meat they use in Europe/America is not halal.
The first thing they ask when they arrive in Istanbul is where they can find McDonalds or Burger King and is the food Halal in Macdonalds?
Because Burger King, McDonalds, Pizza Hut meat, and KFC are %100 Halal in Turkey.
Is All Food Halal in Turkey?
But our personal humble advice is that you should of course try and eat in Fast Food Chains if you want to, but focusing more on local tastes and finding local restaurants that serve delicious kebabs, meatballs and traditional Turkish meat dishes should be a better choice.

All the vegetarian products in Turkey are Halal as well.

In some big supermarkets ( Migros or Macro Center) or in some regions where Turkish Greek and Turkish Armenian Citizens live, swine (porcine animal products such as bacon, pork sausage) can be found.
There will be a special place separate from other products for swine products and on the shelf, there must be warning signs with big fonts saying that it includes pork. It might sound strange for non-muslims but the government takes it very seriously and local people are very sensitive about pork products.
If you have any questions or if you want to add something to our where to find halal food in Turkey post, do not hesitate to write to us.