
Incredible Suleymaniye Mosque and Suleymaniye Hamam Since 1557

Suleymaniye Mosque

Süleymaniye Mosque is one of the most important works and examples of the Ottoman period architecture. Despite the fact that there have been hundreds of earthquakes in Istanbul for centuries, there is not a single crack on the Süleymaniye Mosque. There are minarets at the four corners of the courtyard of the mosque. The dimensions of minarets are different from each other. 32 windows were opened in the main dome of the mosque to provide the best illumination according to the calculations of Mimar Sinan.



Suleymaniye Hamam;

Suleymaniye Hamam, which was built by the famous Turkish architect Mimar Sinan together with the Suleymaniye Mosque and Complex in Istanbul Beyazit between 1551 and 1558, got that name from Sultan Süleyman. Mimar Sinan called it "my masterpiece" for the hamam with a private lodge belonging to Sultan Süleyman. There are graves of Kanuni Sultan Süleyman and his wife Hürrem Sultan in the mausoleum with many graves nearby.


There is a wellhole in the hammam and it is believed that this wellhole is good for jaundice. Suleymaniye Hamam is one of the historical riches that make up the interest of local and foreign tourists today. If you wonder "what to buy in istanbul ", you can buy a souvenir that symbolizes this place.


You can check ministry of culture website for more information.


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