Princes islands

Best Way to Princes Islands in 2023 – Turkey Travel Journal

Princes Islands

Princes Islands are also known as Istanbul Islands. The islands, which have been called many names in the past, have been used as places of exile in ancient times. Recently, the zones used as summer resorts have now returned to settlements.


princes islands
Prince's Islands -

What are the Prince Islands ?


Prince Islands are composed of 9 islands. Only 5 islands have settlements. However, despite of being a settlement, the Kaşıkadası is a private property. Because of this, there is no population there. For the kind of people who ask questions like "what is ataturk airport wifi password?" everywhere, I am sorry to say that you may not find wifi everywhere.



What to do in Prince Islands ?


Visit Aya Yorgi Church: The church, which is one of the two pilgrim points for Orthodoxes, is 204 meters above sea level.
Breathe in Yücetepe Kır Casino: Visit to Yücetepe to watch the magnificent scenery and drink wine while climbing the church.

Visit Sait Faik Abasiyanik Museum: You can visit his house in Bourgas for free, which has been turned into a museum after the death of Sait Faik.

Visit the Greek Orthodox Clergy School: The debate about the reopening of the school, which was one of the first schools in this area and closed in 1971, is still ongoing.
If you are wondering "what to buy in istanbul", you can get a souvenir from the Princes Islands.



How to go to Princes Islands ?


You can check this website for daily schedule and tariff since there are winter and summer tariffs and it has different time table on week days and on weekends. Istanbul City Lines




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